PLOT was formed out of a profound respect for property. It is the setting of our lives and plays a starring role in so many of our stories. We enjoy uncovering hidden potential in an existing building or lot. We enjoy helping people make wise real estate decisions that will benefit them and their families for generations. In short, we enjoy finding opportunities to positively impact others through property.

Ask three people what the word “plot” means, and you might get three different answers:

  1. A bit of land - Whether it needs to be developed, protected, resurrected, or transformed, there is something magical about the possibilities a piece of land represents.

  2. A Story - Property is more than the sum of its parts. It has a life of its own, made up of memories and stories. Everyone loves a good story.

  3. A plan - Property has the power to transform our lives and our cities—and it all starts with a plan.

Our logo is based on the expression “pulling it out of the ground,” something contractors say when describing construction. For us, it also means pulling the possibilities out of what’s there, finding the compelling stories, and forming a plan to help every property live up to its potential. This is how we add value, and this is how we have found success where others have stalled.


Tom has nearly thirty years of experience renovating, managing, and selling properties in the US and the UK. One of the highlights for him has been renovating a six-unit Spanish villa in the Eccles Historic District in partnership with the Ogden City Redevelopment Department. He has also served on the Ogden Landmarks Commission for more than 15 years, including being the Commission Chair. He has a BS in Business Administration and Finance from Weber State University.


Rich has a BS in Architectural Studies from the University of Utah, an MBA from the University of Utah, and a Master of Architecture from Columbia University. He started the website archutah.com in 2004 when he was frustrated that no one could tell him much about the only Frank Lloyd Wright house in Utah. Past design clients include Netflix, Google, Daimler, Coca-Cola, GE, and T-Mobile. His work has been featured on Buzzfeed, Hypebeast, Wired, The Wall Street Journal, and Fast Company.


When Keston was very young, he was bored at a family gathering and decided to learn about photography. He has been working on his craft ever since. There is a lot that he loves about what he does. He loves technology (He was using drones before most people had even heard of them) and the visual arts, but his real passion is combining the two and using them to tell inspiring stories. His past clients include eBay, Trek, NordicTrac, ProForm, Entertainment Tonight, and Evolv.

Plot Development